Yo! Welcome to my Website!

Quick warning: There'll be swearing, not reccomended for tweens


My screenname is Zilasius, but I mostly shorten it to Zila.

I'm a male, born in early 2010s, and Danish. I'm an Absurdist Pacifistic Atheist,

who's against Capitalism, corporate greed, and the curse that is Minimalistic UI


Topics I'm obsessed with:

1990s and 2000s aesthetics, military history (specifically the Napoleonic wars, WW1, and the War on Terror)

I also have interest in military history. Specifically the Napoleonic wars, WW1, and The War on Terror.

And like any other teen, I like to play video games. My favorite games are Minecraft, Roblox, Battlefield 1,

Wolfenstein: TNO, Wolfenstein II: TNC. Age of Empires II: DE, and Age of Empires III: DE



QUICK NONE: Please DO NOT reach out to me for the sole rason of dating me. It's highly inappropriate, and violates my boundaries!